They're a bfd.

headline says right to petitionFingers and pen
Man yelling at public servant through a megaphone.

It's your
civic duty
to whine,
and bitch.

Democracy ain't for the bashful.

You have the right to make demands on your government.

Float your mouse over words in color.

Let's say the potholes on your street don't get filled. Well, you and your homies can march on down to city hall and raise all kinds of holy hell.

Maybe you've seen people collecting signatures on a petition. Those organized drives are a good and popular way to get your voice heard.

In a lot of states, laws can be changed through the use of ballot initiatives. The effort usually starts by getting many thousands of registered voters to sign a petition.

Guy with a sign reading "bring back the 5 gallon toilet."

You say you want body piercings provided on demand? At taxpayer expense?

Get out those petitions and hit the pavement. And don't forget to text your Congress member:
(House Member e-mail) (Senators e-mail)






You have to qualify and sign up to be a voter.
Used to ask voters to decide special issues.
A petition is a form used to ask the government for things.
Face of Statue of Liberty