They're a bfd.

God in a white robe with arms outstretcvhed.

Talk in tongues.

Handle snakes.

Cut off the tip
of your thing.

Primitive man in religious ceremony.photograph of rocks held in hands


The first thing guaranteed by the First Amendment is the Freedom of Religion.

The U.S. can't set up an official government religion or make you pay taxes to support one. And it can't stop you from exercising your own religion. It can't tell you what to believe. Gods in white robes? Mud gods? Gods in the form of pebbles? It's all good and it's all up to you.

In the bad old days, folks were flame-broiled at the stake for practicing the wrong religion. But you can follow your conscience to the church, mosque or temple of your choice.

You're also free not to be religious.Your mom might not like it but your Uncle Sam can't say squat.

Question: Can states force me to wear a #@% helmet when I cruise the country on my Hog?


The "Separation of Church and State" is a phrase you'll hear a lot. It has caused more than a few arguments - about prayer in public schools, taxes paying for religious school vouchers and programs that won't hire people of the "wrong" faith.

Some folks want to put the Ten Commandments in public places - others might prefer the teachings of Buddha. People have claimed religion gives them a right to use peyote as a sacrament, to have a bunch of wives or not give medicine to a dying child.

Turns out that not telling people what to believe may work out better than forcing religion down their throats. Polls show Americans go to church more often than many nationalities do.

Payments made with taxpayer money.
photograph of statue of liberty with ashes on forehead